“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” (Lao Tzu)
It started as a university project, now it led to the foundation of an enterprise: Ilmsens GmbH is born!
More than 40 guests consisting of industry, business, politics and the public sector joint the foundation ceremony of the company on the 4th Mai 2016 and got in on the festivities. And there were good reasons to do so! Firstly the founds of Ilmsens at the notary and the company agreement were signed at the end of April and secondly we’ve recently moved in in our new office space which is to be found at the Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Ilmenau.
The celebration started with a short introduction from Prof. Marion Eich-Born followed by the presentation of the company as well as an outline of the way of founding of the latter by managing director Hans-Christian Fritsch. Even the Minister of Economics Wolfgang Tiefensee and the rector of the Technical University of Ilmenau Prof. Dr. Peter Scharff were present and held opening speeches. They highlighted the importance of technology startups and named Ilmsens as a prime example which we are very proud of. Afterwards we introduced our technology (M-Sequenz) to our quest by performing some experiments.
Snacks and drinks were provided later on and the guest as well as our team hat a successful and amazing evening with lots of time for exchanges and lively discussions. After this wonderful day we will be very happy to start our work and let our idea transform into something real.
“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” — Scott Belsky, Behance co-founder

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